Professional Testing

We will test every unit of your system at each development stage based on a detailed testing plan prepared for the project by our QA specialist. Based on this scenario, you will see test reports, so you can understand what was done in terms of QA work.

QA Process

The Byte Infotech QA team will provide accurate testing during the development of your product to ensure that your app/web provides a top-notch user experience and meets the highest quality standards. Depending on the project, our team uses distinct types of testing:

  • Functional testing
  • Security testing
  • Memory leakage testing
  • Performance testing
  • Usability testing
  • Unit testing

Guarantee Period

In your project, we provide a guarantee period to fix bugs and UI problems. We will not charge any cost for UI updations, Bug fix or anything bounded to the contract during this period. Our guarantee is one of our QA managers' biggest motivation to do their job well.


We follow a multidisciplinary approach for developing customer-centric applications for Web and Mobile with the highest reliability and quality. Great things are not achieved in a hurry but with series of processes brought together through sheer hard work and dedication. Our team consists of mobile app developers, website developers , web and graphic designers, test engineers, user documentation writer, project managers and maintenance engineers that will work to ensure the creation of a stunning and professional project.

Let us help you deliver your next project